stock-photo-young-beautiful-blonde-cauca-1853943-719219-edited.pngMillennials — along with impending EU General Data Protection Regulation — currently present the largest potential IT issues for businesses, according to a recent global survey from the Ponemon Institute and Citrix.

The research found that although each generation is susceptible to different kinds of security risks, millennials are using a growing number of mobile apps, devices and new information sharing and collaboration methods, which can introduce network vulnerabilities.

More than half of the survey respondents felt millennials presented the greatest risk of circumventing IT security policies and using unapproved apps in the workplace.

Most enterprises also expressed concern about their ability to meet the proposed GDPR security and compliance requirements, which are set to go into effect in May 2018 and include proactive measures to manage information and prevent network vulnerabilities that could affect data privacy.

The regulation’s security and compliance conditions will affect organizations in and outside of the EU that share data or sell products or services in the region. Sixty-seven percent of global businesses say they’re aware of the GDPR, but only about half have started to prepare for its implementation.

For additional information on how businesses around the world view security risks and other IT issues, visit Citrix’s website.



security risk

IT issues

network vulnerabilities

security and compliance